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Oil Tree

Oil Tree

  • Category:Wellhead equipment
  • Describe:The product images and parameters may differ slightly from the actual product
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  • Read:31
  • Date:2024/09/17
  • Details

The Christmas tree integrates valves and accessories for fluid control in oil and gas wells, and provides an inlet for producing tubing strings. It's packaged

All equipment above the flange on the oil pipe head. The Christmas tree assembly can be applied in various combinations to meet the needs of any special purpose. Christmas trees are divided into specialized wellhead devices for oil production (self injection and artificial lifting), gas production (natural gas and various acidic gases), water injection, thermal recovery, fracturing, acidification, etc. according to their different functions. And form a series according to different pressure levels of use.

Gas trees and tubing heads are mainly used for gas production and injection. Due to the low relative density and low gas column pressure of natural gas, both gas production and injection wellhead pressures are high, flow rates are fast, and leakage is easy. Sometimes corrosive media such as H ? S and CO2 may be present in natural gas, so there are stricter requirements for the sealing and material of gas trees. Sometimes, for safety reasons, double valves are used for both oil and casing. For some high-pressure and ultra high pressure gas wells, valves are forged from high-quality steel as a whole.

The main pressure bearing parts of the Christmas tree and oil pipe head four-way produced by Yancheng Chongda Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd. are forgings or specially refined through smelting, so they have the characteristics of high pressure bearing, safety and reliability.

Scope of Supply

1. Working pressure: 2000psi~20000psi

2. Nominal diameter: 2-1/16 "to 5-1/8"

3. Working medium: petroleum, natural gas, mud, gas containing H ? S, CO ?

4. Working temperature: -46 ℃~121 ℃ (L U level)

5. Material grade: AA BB.CC.DD.EE.FF、HH

6. Specification level: PSL1~4

7. Performance level: PR1-2

8. Can install (pneumatic) hydraulic safety valve

Next:Oil Tree
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